6 of the best online therapy and wellbeing services for people who live alone
We never know when we might find ourselves in need of mental health support (from top ups through to more intensive work). The team and I have had a look at some of the most highly recommended apps and online counselling services on the internet, and we’ve tried some of…
5 Steps to a Surprisingly Happy Solo Birthday
Let’s face it, there are very few of us who enjoy the idea of spending our birthdays completely alone. With a little preparation and the right mindset, solo birthdays can be a wholly different, yet still enjoyable experience. The trick is to make it work for you, and to embrace…
Where the light enters: living alone after divorce
It was the first time I had been on my own in eleven years. Loneliness was the first thing that entered my heart and my mind, along with rejection and a strong sense that I’d failed. It didn’t make a difference that the ending had, in the end, been mutual.…
5 things people who live alone secretly want you to know
We asked people who live alone to tell us the things they secretly wished their friends and family knew about their lives. Here’s what they said.
What does it mean to live alone?
Living alone means that when you shut your front door, you are solely responsible for what happens within the walls of your home.
Moving In By Yourself is Like Making Pasta
Or, 'what it’s like to start living alone during a lockdown.'
Emma Watson says she’s happy being single – judging her misses the point
Singledom is a global phenomenon that’s already here, and is only going to grow. People who pass judgement on those who admit to being happily single are missing the point - the research suggests that as more people than ever before spend more of their lives uncoupled, the people who…
Co-founder Hannah talks about the project on her alumni blog
The Loneliness Project?
Three friends forward on the same link to an article on the loneliness crisis. All of this is well intentioned and interesting. But here’s the thing that might be surprising to you: we don’t run a loneliness project. We run a project for people who live alone.
Living Alone: A Question of Choice?
Is living alone always a choice? What are the alternatives for those who find themselves living alone, and decide it's not for them?