Looking Back: A Year Living Alone During A Global Pandemic
I remember the start of the UK lockdown vividly. I was in California visiting friends when the US shut its borders. I rushed home on a nearly empty flight, wearing a respirator mask from my friend’s earthquake preparedness kit the whole way. We’re only just starting to understand the full…
How I’m spending Christmas this year (BertieBooBoo’s story)
Mummy has four Labradors.
Emma Watson says she’s happy being single – judging her misses the point
Singledom is a global phenomenon that’s already here, and is only going to grow. People who pass judgement on those who admit to being happily single are missing the point - the research suggests that as more people than ever before spend more of their lives uncoupled, the people who…
The Loneliness Project?
Three friends forward on the same link to an article on the loneliness crisis. All of this is well intentioned and interesting. But here’s the thing that might be surprising to you: we don’t run a loneliness project. We run a project for people who live alone.
Where are the missing men?
We set up the Living Well Alone Project to empower everyone living alone to lead happy, healthy, connected lives – including men! And it’s important that when we’re building the website, we’re making sure the information we’re including is relevant to everyone we want to reach. To do that, we…