Where the light enters: living alone after divorce
It was the first time I had been on my own in eleven years. Loneliness was the first thing that entered my heart and my mind, along with rejection and a strong sense that I’d failed. It didn’t make a difference that the ending had, in the end, been mutual.…
What do you call someone who lives alone?
The rise of living alone (especially as a preferred lifestyle choice) is a relatively new trend – so new, in fact, that there isn’t yet one commonly used word to describe us!
What does it mean to live alone?
Living alone means that when you shut your front door, you are solely responsible for what happens within the walls of your home.
Moving In By Yourself is Like Making Pasta
Or, 'what it’s like to start living alone during a lockdown.'
Five Lessons I’ve Learnt from Lockdown
Lockdown has been different for each of us – and has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives.
The Solo Guide to Leaving Lockdown (and…Why Everything Feels Strange at the Moment)
Look to the future, and to the kind of life you want to build for yourself on the other side of Covid-19, and take the lessons you’ve learnt from this period with you.
A response to George Floyd’s death
I want to set out three actions today which will act as our starting point. They are just that – a starting point. And I would welcome views on how and where we can go further.
What it’s Really Like to Live Alone During the Lockdown (from People who Know)
The coronavirus crisis is affecting us all in different ways, and one group we’re hearing about a lot at the moment are people who live alone. Under usual circumstances, people who live alone use words like resilient, empowered, independent and connected to describe themselves.
15 ways to beat the boredom during a solo lockdown
Around a third of people in the world are now living in lockdown – and judging by the number of home videos and memes we’ve seen popping up, quite a few of you are already struggling to work out how to fill your time! To help you out, here are…
How to self-isolate in seven simple steps
Millions of people worldwide live by themselves, and the numbers are growing all the time — at the Living Well Alone Project our resilient, active community of almost 10,000 ‘soloists’ are already well prepared for what’s coming, and these simple steps are drawn from their experience.