Empty Nesters
Your child or children have left home – now what? Perhaps they’ve gone off to university, or have left to live by themselves or with a partner, or moved to another part of the country or abroad. No matter where they’ve gone, children leaving home can leave a gap and – for some – a loss of purpose, and a change of identity. There can also be real anxiety when you’re away from your child – are they safe? Are they eating well? Who are they spending their time with?
Without your children at home, you can suddenly be left with a lot more time on your hands – this might feel particularly pronounced if you’re not working.
There might also be relief that they have left – and perhaps also guilt about feeling relieved!
There will probably be some practicalities that you will need to get to grips with – particularly if your adult children were contributing financially, or picked up particular tasks for you around the house.
You might also feel a loss of company and the emotional support that comes with having your family close to you. You might simply feel vulnerable about being in your home by yourself.
However you’re feeling, you are absolutely not alone! We understand that living alone can come with challenges at the best of times, and that your children leaving home – whether it’s temporary or permanent – can be huge.
Starting to live well, alone
Living alone is a very different way of life, and it can feel overwhelming at first, no matter your circumstances.
We’ve pulled together links to some useful posts and articles for anyone working out how to manage once you children have left home.
We’d also encourage you to have a look at our community pages where you can meet other like minded people.
You might find the following articles from our own blog useful as you start to find your feet.