Articles about different aspects of a solo living lifestyle
How I’m spending Christmas this year (BertieBooBoo’s story)
Mummy has four Labradors.
How I’m spending Christmas this year (Tom’s story)
This Christmas will be a little different. This Christmas, it’s not my turn to look after my young daughter, who will be away with her Mum. I know she’ll have a great time, but I also know that I will feel sad and a little lonely over the holiday season.…
How I’m spending Christmas this year (Maxine’s story)
Do what you want at Christmas – whatever makes you happy. Work. Walk. Call someone in a similar situation. Embrace your life. Don’t feel like it’s a lesser life because you are on your own.
Emma Watson says she’s happy being single – judging her misses the point
Singledom is a global phenomenon that’s already here, and is only going to grow. People who pass judgement on those who admit to being happily single are missing the point - the research suggests that as more people than ever before spend more of their lives uncoupled, the people who…
Co-founder Hannah talks about the project on her alumni blog
The Loneliness Project?
Three friends forward on the same link to an article on the loneliness crisis. All of this is well intentioned and interesting. But here’s the thing that might be surprising to you: we don’t run a loneliness project. We run a project for people who live alone.
Living Alone: A Question of Choice?
Is living alone always a choice? What are the alternatives for those who find themselves living alone, and decide it's not for them?
The Hidden Extra Costs of a Solo Lifestyle
When we've asked people what they like least about living alone, higher costs came out as one of the top issues.
Beginning to live well, alone
In the week since the Living Well Alone Project went live, our first blog post reached more than 2,400 people, and almost 400 people visited our site. Nearly 90 people have followed our Facebook page, and we’ve had six offers to hold focus groups across the country. It feels like we’re tapping into something here, and we’re…
How I decided to live well, alone
I’d been so excited about moving into my own place. It was 2016, and I’d just landed back in London after a couple of years abroad. Bar a short stint in my early twenties, where I’d technically lived by myself but practically lived at my boyfriend’s place, I’d always lived…