We’ve read almost everything there is to read on how to live well alone, and these are some of our favourites! All links redirect to Amazon, and the Project will receive a small commission for anything purchased using these links. While we review everything ourselves before we recommend it, and only include the books we think are most helpful, we’d definitely recommend having a good browse and a read of the reviews before you buy – we’re a diverse community, and everyone has different tastes.
We also have a research section for anyone interested in the rise of living alone, what we know about people living alone, and what policymakers need to do differently.
Have we missed something? Email us at if you have read something you’ve enjoyed, or if you are an author and would like to have your work considered for inclusion on this page.
How to Live Alone
Solo Identity
How To Be Single and Happy
Jennifer L. Taitz (2018)
Psychologist Jenny Taitz draws on her personal and professional experience and gives readers strategies to stop overanalysing romantic encounters, get over regrets, and identify and cultivate the mindset, values and connections that make them most fulfilled.
Life after trauma
Self-Awareness and Living Well Alone
Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world
Mark Williams and Danny Penman (2011)
A practical beginners guide to ‘mindfulness’ practice – the art of fully appreciating the present moment. A great skill if you live alone, which will give you a greater sense of connectedness to your surroundings.
Books on the experiece of being alone
Looking for research on living alone? Try our research section.